Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Samsung Challenges Apple with Galaxy Tablet

As the Tablet Wars continue Apple’s early-adopter stance may be coming under considerable fire. While the iPad was the first device to bring the notion of a tablet computer to the market, those who have been hesitant to pick one up have some legitimate concerns. Whether its a lack of features or a concern that later models will incorporate said missing features, rivaling firms have a golden opportunity to capitalize on the market. Today’s news story presents another challenger to the tablet market, this one coming in the form of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab. The new device, due out on sale this fall, could make for the most convincing challenge to Apple’s market dominion.
The dimensions of the device itself put it in a unique position to challenge Apple. The device is somewhere in-between an iPhone and an iPad, making it something of a smartphone-tablet hybrid. The 7-inch touchscreen offers plenty of screen space, and at only 13.8 ounces, it is extremely light and portable. Boasting Google’s Android 2.2 operating system, the Galaxy Tab will offer a number of features that are missing from the iPad. Users will be able to surf the internet and visit websites with Adobe Flash and HTML5 support, two formats that turn up frequently around the Internet.
Other features point towards a universally-minded approach to making a tablet. Twin cameras, one on the front and one on the back, will enable the user to both take pictures as well as videoconference with friends via programs like Skype. With Bluetooth, WiFi, and 3G support, the Galaxy will be able to access information virtually anywhere, providing a truly universal platform for communications. The battery life is also something to be excited apart, with up to 8 continuous hours of use off a single charge. The versatility of the Galaxy could make the product as a whole.

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